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  • Ships within 1-3 days
  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,69,00  GBP(incl. VAT)
The completely authentic poncho from Mexico, festive and is doing very well as soon as party and the like. must signal and radiate Mexican charm and atmosphere. Sleek and comfortable. 100 x 210 cm.
If you want a real Mexican poncho, you also have the opportunity now. The pony is woven so you can get your head through the middle of the rug. The ponies are lovely warm for the late summer evenings and for hot nights in the sofa.

The ponos are elegantly hand-woven in very beautiful colors. Please describe. in the notebook when ordering if there is the color you want should be through the poncho.
A poncho and a sombrero and you're ready for Mexican party.
Poncho & hammocks classico de Mexico
Item no.: 118
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